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Real Time Poker Odds Calculators
This is our list of the top real time poker odds calculators with heads up display.
Texas Calculatem

If you�ve never played poker with an odds calculator, Texas Calculatem is definitely THE ONE to start. There are already over 25,000 players using Texas Calculatem to win more money at the poker tables!

Texas Calculatem uses Auto-Read technology that gives you hand odds and betting advice in real-time helping you maximize your winnings. You never have to input any data or give it any instruction. Just attach the calculator to your game, and Texas Calculatem does all the hard work.

When you play with Texas Calculatem, you�ll instantly see the strength of your hand and get real-time betting advice. It uses complex mathematical formulas to recommend the best play on every hand � check, call, fold, or raise. It�s all based on your hand and the cards that have been played.

It�s no wonder Texas Calculatem is the hottest selling odds calculator on the market. It�s so accurate it�s hard not to win money! Plus, it�s completely customizable. You can adjust its betting advice to meet your style � loose or aggressive, tight or passive. Even change it up based on positioning or pre and post-flop betting.

If you want to start making REAL money playing poker, you must PLAY with Texas Calculatem.

Best of all, you can get it for FREE! Just visit the Texas Calculatem site.

Calculatem Pro

There�s an easier way to WIN MORE MONEY playing poker!

The simple truth about online poker today is that the players winning the most money are not necessarily the most skilled - they are using an odds calculator to make better, quicker decisions and steal your pots.

Regardless of how skilled YOU are, to stay one step ahead of the competition and win the most money, you don't need just an odds calculator - you need the latest, most advanced poker odds calculator.

Calculatem Pro is just that � the most advanced poker odds calculator you�ve ever seen.

Every player dreams of the day he�ll become a poker pro, but few ever achieve that status. Now you can have the advantage most pros have � they understand their odds of winning in EVERY situation.

When you�re playing with Calculatem Pro, you�ll have that advantage and INSTANTLY know:

- the Strength of Your Hand
- your Odds of Winning
- which Hands can Beat You
- your Odds of Drawing Out
- your Odds of Winning on the River (helps eliminate �Bad Beats�)
- your Pot Odds
- how to Strategically Bet each hand, and

You may never become a poker pro, but you can win money like a pro if you�re playing with Calculatem Pro!

It attaches easily to your online game and requires absolutely no manual inputs from you during play. Best of all...

IT�S FREE! Just click this link to visit the Calculatem Pro website, and open a new account to get your free license.

If you�re serious about winning money at poker, this is the BEST CALL you�ll EVER make!

Holdem Genius

Doesn�t it always seem like the smartest poker player always wins the most money? Well if you want to be the smartest guy at the poker table, you have to play with Holdem Genius.

Holdem Genius is the odds calculator guaranteed to help you play smarter and win more money. It�s so simple to use. Just drag and drop the Genius, and it will automatically attach to your poker game.

When you do, it watches your hand and instantly calculates your hand odds and pot odds with no manual inputs from you � EVER! Plus, Holdem Genius gives you real-time betting advice based on the strength of your hand, your outs, the community cards, and what your opponents likely have.

You can even adjust the settings on Holdem Genius to match your personal playing style. Make it more aggressive in late position or tighter pre-flop. It�s up to you.

Plus, Holdem Genius can attach to multiple games at once making it easier for you to play more games and WIN MORE MONEY!

This is the best way to dominate your opponents at the table. When you know the odds, it�s easier to WIN!

The best part is you can get Holdem Genius for free just by opening a new account with one of their partner poker rooms. Go to the Holdem Genius website right now and get your FREE license!

Then you�ll be on your way to winning more money as a Texas Holdem Genius!

Sit N' Go Shark

Are you tired of finishing out of the money in Sit & Go Tournaments?

Yeah? Well, then you need to get Sit & Go Shark. Sit & Go Shark is a poker odds calculator developed by poker pro and author Roy Rounder.

Poker odds calculators, wildly helpful to players in the fast-paced online poker environment as they offer real-time advice based on the strength of the player�s hand, are quickly becoming the norm in online Texas Holdem poker, but Sit & Go Shark does more than just calculate your odds of winning.

Sit & Go Shark is a one-of-a-kind poker tool, and its advice is based on Roy Rounder�s own proven approach to online Texas Holdem poker. It uses a complex mathematical algorithm to help the player determine the proper play in every situation. Shark instantly compiles data based on current table circumstances � considering everything from the player�s cards to blinds to positioning to pot odds and much more on every single hand.

Sit & Go Shark then digs deep into the massive database of Roy Rounder�s Texas Holdem poker rules to offer the best advice for the player. And all of this dynamic poker advice displays right beside the table and in real-time. So while Shark works, the player plays.

Sit & Go Shark is the only online poker aid created specifically for the ever-popular Sit & Go tournaments, and it�s the first one to tap into Roy Rounder�s own personal database of Texas Holdem poker strategies.

The best part is you can get Sit & Go Shark for FREE just by opening a new account with one of their partner poker rooms. Get Sit & Go Shark now and finish in the money in every tournament!

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