Specific Hand Situations During Flop Play |
"Monsters" "i.e royal flush,four of a kind, nut full house, nut flush, nut straight"
�With this type of flop usually your main concern is to not over bet or get the other palyers off the hand while still trying to maximize the profit of the hand.
�Try to build the pot with small bets/raises to give pot odds if no one is betting . When betting 25-50% of the pot with multiple players to the flop, a lot of players will call or raise with draws other weaker hands.
�If you have to push the action to build the pot make sure to leave room for opponents to make a move or bluff. |
Vulnerable "monsters" "i.e non-nut straight, low full house, non-nut flush,"
�This hand can be profitable by either slow-playing until the turn (if the turn card still leaves you with a great hand) or by pushing in on the flop to get the other players of the hand.
�If you decide to push it on the flop be prepared to defend the hand with your whole stack.
�It can Sometimes be a better strategy to wait until the turn to see if a blank hits. This play can often be a disadvantage though because you give your opponents a chace to outdraw you on the turn by hitting a bigger hand than yours. When a fourth card to a flush or open ended straight draw hits the board the action will most often dry up very quickly anyway. This is why it is important to be able to fold fold these hands, even though they might look like a great hand at the time. |
Trips or a Set "A set is trips using both of your hole cards"
�If the board is coordinated, "i.e, multiple cards of the same suit or consecutive ranks", you'll have to make a stand to try and get every one off the hand immediatelly because almost any card on the turn can be a scare card. Several players may be chasing, so betting two or three times the pot here is not a bad play. If an opponent already flopped a flush or straight here you still have approximately a 35% chance of hitting at least a full house.
�If the board is uncoordinated you can slow play by calling or betting modestly in an attempt to lure your opponents in.
�Remember, with a "monster" hand you want to leave room for your opponents to try and bluff at you as long as your hand has little to no possibilty of being outdrawn. Always remember what type of players remain in the pot when making these plays. |
Top or middle two-pair "pairing both hole cards"
�Play should be very similar to that of a flopped set.
�Slow play this hand often with a two or three bet or even just a call and you might get paid off nicely at the turn or river.
�If the board is coordinated, "i.e, multiple cards of the same suit or consecutive ranks", you will almost always want to bet enough to get your opponents off of drawing hands. Over betting the pot in this position is not a bad play if there are still several players in the hand.
�If you have hit your two pair with Ace rag, let AK and AQ pay to chase. |
Bottom two pair
�You'll almost always need to protect this hand by betting and/or raising. Bottom two pair can be strong in some situations but is always vulnerable of being outdrawn.
�You'll need to Watch out if the board pairs on the turn and you do not make a full house because anyone holding an over pair will now have a better two-pair than yours, "basically discounting your two pair" and it can very easily give someone trips. |
Overpair "a pocket pair above the highest ranked card on the flop"
�You'll often build bigger pots in an aggressive game by slow playing high over pairs, "i.e. AA or KK" by limping, calling or making min raises in the hopes of re raising someone before the flop. With big pairs, you'll want to avoid seeing flops with more than one or two opponents, as they can be easily cracked by a higher number of cards.
�If the board is uncoordinated and their are only one or two opponents you can consider slow playing your over pair.
�If you have a medium overpair the situation is usually much different. You'll almost always want to take the pot on the flop because your hand is vulnerable to any overcard hitting the turn.
�Watch out for connected flops like T-9-8 or J-10-9, especially if they come with flush draws. Any opponent who gives a lot of action on this flop is likely to either have you beat or has about 50/50 chance of outdrawing you. |
Top-pair, Top Kicker
�With this hand you'll want to bet the flop Most of the time, along with a continuation bet on the turn, as you'll often see players staying in with weaker kickers or worse hands. If the board is coordinated you should make a pot size bet to try and get any players on a draw off of the hand.
�Again, there is a huge difference between a flop like K-7-3 rainbow and K-J-9 with a flush draw when you hold AK. In the first case you should consider slow-playing the hand and, in the second case, you have to give action on the flop as almost any card on the turn will be a scare card.
�For instance, you hold AT and the flop is T-7-2. You want win the pot on the flop or force hands like 89, T9, JT, QT and KT pay to chase you. In addition, any 6, J, Q or K on the turn will be a scare card. |
Top pair, Weak Kicker
�In an un-raised pot, make a normal bet to take the pot if your hand is the best. If there are four players or more involved in the pot, consider giving it up without a fight.
�Generally, you should fold when facing a pot-sized bet from a tight player if there is a decent chance that you are out-kicked or (sometimes) facing an over-pair. Be extra cautious to call if there are many players left to act, as you cannot afford to take any heat.
�Avoid getting heavily involved with this type of hand unless you have a lot of additional value, like a straight draw and a flush draw. For instance, you are holding 89s and the flop is 6-7-8 with two cards of your suit. Although you only have top pair with a weak kicker, be prepared to back your hand with your entire stack because even against AA you have 20 outs, which makes you a favorite to win the hand. |
Second Pair "pocket pair anywhere between the boards highest and lowest cards"
�This is a typical fold or bet hand.
�If you are in late position with one or two opponents that checked the flop you should always bet the unraised pot. With this play you will often get your tighter opponents to fold top pairs with weak kickers and alot of other non-nut hands.
�If a strong player in front of you bets you should fold this hand, especially in early to middle position.
�When betting, in most cases you should fold your hand if you get reraised. Theres always the exception if you suspect a weaker player to be on a draw to stay in the hand. Then you can call or reraise to see if they miss the turn. |
Middle Pair, Top Kicker
�Bet out, check or fold, depending on position, the board and the number of opponents.
�In most situations the only time you should be betting with this hand is in late to last position.
�It's important to not get to involved or risk more than a few chips on this type of flop. |
Middle Pair, Weak Kicker
�When there are only two or three players in the pot either check fold or if it is checked to you, make a position bet.
�In some situations you'll want to take a free card to see if you can better your hand on the turn though.
�You'll want to fold if an opponent bets in most situations. |
Third pair "any pocket pair below the boards second highest card"
�Either check or fold, but if it is checked to you with only two or three players in the pot make a position bet.
�In some situations you'll want to take a free card if it is checked to you to try and better your hand on the turn.
�You'll want to fold if an opponent bets in most situations. |
Low Pair, Top Kicker
�You'll want to fold to any bets in most situations. In this situation you have only five outs, two outs for trips and three for outs two pair.
�The only bet that should be made here is a bluff or a good read on only one opponent that you think may be bluffing with only a high card hand. |
Low Pair, Low Kicker
�You'll want to fold to any bets in this situation.
�Do not position bet, rather bet or check when checked to you in late position depending on your opponents and the situation. |
Nut draws with 9 outs or more
�This is a great semi bluffing hand, always consider putting pressure on your opponent by betting, raising or check raising if there are only one or two players in the pot. With 12 outs you are looking at almost a 50% cance of hitting your hand. In this situation it is best to put your opponnent all in because they will often fold, "giving you the pot" but if they call you are still looking at a coin flip at worst, but remember you should be the one pushing all in here, not calling an all in.
�This hand is played best in late position, where you'll be able to gather more information on your opponents hands before you have to make a decision on what to do with your hand.
�If you are short stacked in any position with this hand always consider pushing all in.
�In order to call a bet of 3/4 of the pot heads up you should have at least 14 outs, "30% pot odds". Basically any bet over this size does not merit a call "even when implicit odds are included".
�Always remember you are still on a draw here and it is always possible that you may already be drawing dead if your opponent already has the nuts. |
Non nut draw with 9 outs or more
�Be prepared to fold this hand, especially in a raised pot with more than two other players to the flop. You can easily loose all your chips by chasing with this hand if you hit your hand and an opponent has the nuts.
�If your 9 out, non nut draw is for a flush always avoid betting or chasing, as you will often run in to opponents with a higher flush draw.
�In an unraised pot with a second best draw always consider making a move, "you'll often take the pot right there". |
Non nut draws with 8 outs or less
�You will always have low pot odds here and there is a chance that you could be drawing dead, so do not chase. This hand does merit a small call to see the turn though, but not over two or three times the big blind.
�You should not call off your money with this hand, but depending on position, pot size and players, moves can be made here. |
Overcards "i.e. AJ, AQ, KQ, AK"
�You should play this hand carefully against nearly any type of player. Alot of strong players will usually come to the conclusion that, as a tight player , you will often be holding over cards when a flop comes out with all low cards. This play can give you alot of opportunities to steal blinds and min. raises.
�If there are only two to three players to the flop it can be profitable to make a post flop raise or reraise with just your over cards to get the other players off the hand and also have a chance of hitting one of your over cards on the turn.
�Remember that your overcards might still be the best hand against one or two opponents with a flop of all rags. |
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