The player�s body language and behavior patterns can distinguish their hands in poker and hence to become a good player you need to be a good observer first. We have tried to cover most of them; however, it automatically comes through experience. Poker can be a very intriguing game as well as a game which can earn you some fast cash. Sometimes, you can just observe other players behavior and decide whether the deal can swing your way or not. Many times people express their feelings unconsciously and there are subtle changes in their behavior when they play the game. If you are a good observer then you can easily make out who has a good hand and who is actually calling a bluff. You have to watch the players from a distance and search for the tell-a-tale reaction which will give away information about the cards in their hand. Twitching of the eye, fidgeting, small gestures are the most common reactions given out unconsciously by people while playing. You should first move around the table observing the players reaction and search for cues to the behavior of some of the players there. Once you have seen the pattern you can start playing with them. You should continue your observation even after sitting to determine which movement represents a good hand and which one a bad hand. If you are able to determine this then you can use it to your advantage in the coming hands. You should be able to make common assumptions. A common assumption is the reverse psychology one where if a candidate represents a strong hand you guess that in reality he has a weak one. But this type of guessing can become impossible for professional players because they mix up their behavior so much that it is almost impossible to determine when they are bluffing and when they have an original hand. Acting ability is a priceless skill in professional poker. Subtle behaviors like shaking of the head, uneven facial complexion, jittery and fidgety movements are also dead giveaways of the player�s hands. Usually these mixes of reactions are given by the players when a good hand comes to them. Accelerated breathing and heart rate are also clues. The player�s body language and behavior patterns can also distinguish his hands. Some players may start talking nervously on getting a good hand when previously he was keeping quiet. Some hold their hands differently while some hold their cards in a protective manner. While watching others you must not forget to maintain a stronghold over your own reactions. So if you have any tendency of fidgeting or anything else it is better that you work on it from before. It is always the easiest to read other peoples reaction when they have no clue that you are doing it. However you should not walk into a table full of professional pokers and expect to read their behavior. If you do join at a table then make sure you spot the sitting ducks relatively quickly. If you can�t then it is better for you to get up and go to another table. |
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